Dear Sweet Julia,
From the moment I saw you, I knew you were the one. Wherever you were that is where I wanted to be, and the line was long behind me. Everything we did together was the best. Just hanging out eating Cheetos and pretzels, watching a movie. Partying on birthdays -- hamming it up for the camera. Bouncing in the bounce house. Blowing bubbles. Chalking the sidewalk. Sharing toys and sharing stories. Our stories, that no one else knew. As if your beauty wasn't enough, you're smile and laugh were like a magnet. For you I would do anything... and be happy doing nothing. Just laying around, snuggling and holding hands.
I can't imagine trick-or-treating without you. As a fairy, or a princess... no one could sparkle more. I can't imagine prom without you. I can't imagine anything without you.
My mom joked that your family better like us, because we were going to be together for a long, long time. She knew the way I doted on you that I was a goner. My heart was spoken for and I could only hope you felt the same way.
I guess God felt I needed an angel more than a girlfriend, because that's what you are now. I sure will miss my girlfriend... every minute of everyday. Someday, when I see you again, I hope you'll save a dance for me.
I love you Julia.
February 26, 2002 - February 27, 2009