Today I will celebrate you and be more like you. I will embrace your enthusiasm and recognize music is reason enough to dance... I will not worry who is watching. I will embrace friends with a hug, a handshake, a high-five and honor that we are all connected. I will face the challenges in the obstacle course of life with eagerness for the adventure and when I "wipe-out," I will laugh while I get up and get back in the game. With each new opportunity I will smile and see the "WoW," and eagerly run to you to share. I will tuck a treasure in my bag as I head out into the world each day, so when I am discouraged or tired or lonely I will have something to hold in my hand that helps me be brave. When I like something I will say so, when someone does a good job I will say so, and when I have done a good job I will say so. I will laugh, I will play, I will watch movies, hum theme songs and read good books. I will be loyal to friends, and favorites, and even my own ideas no matter what anyone says. When I am wrong I will say sorry, sign sorry, act sorry and make amends until you believe I am sorry. I will believe in superheros and angels, Santa and wishing on a star. I will talk to myself if I want to. I will tell you how beautiful you are every day, touch your face with amazement and always insist on a hug and a kiss when we say goodbye and hello.
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